Emniyet Evleri, Özcan Sk. 17-1, 34415
Kâğıthane / İstanbul
Shahrokh Karami
Full Stack Developer
based in Turkey
For each business, we take a bespoke approach to developing
change within the organisation, often with the common goal.
● WiFi, Bluetooth, BLE, ZigBee, CAN, Modbus, J1939, RS485 (Half and full duplex), RS232, SPI, I2C, NB-IoT, GPRS
● Bit level analyzing and bitbanging
● High-speed electronics PCB Design (HDMI, USB)
● Real-time operating systems (FreeRTOS)
Microcontroller, Microprocessor, SBC, SoC and hardware:
● Hardware design and firmware development (Intel 8051!, PIC, AVR, ARM, RPi compute module)
● Single board computers (Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, Orange Pi)
● Electronics lab equipment (multimeters, power supplies, oscilloscopes, function generators, RF signal generators, optical
microscopes and more)
● PCB design for pick and place automated assembly machines
● Manual PCB assembling for prototyping (including BGA components) with/without stencil
● Reverse engineering of PCB
● Electronic schematics
● Familiar with 3D design apps and accurate measuring tools like calipers to design PCB to fit in provided 3D Model
● Deep understanding of the hardware, embedded software and firmware combination given my experience in the
assembly language and Linux kernel studies